
Datum sesije: 10.12.2016. Laura, Andromeda i Galatea za pločom Prisutni: Pierre, Joe, Niall, Data, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Timótheos, Alana, Arky, Prodigal Son, dugdeep, Itellsya, fabric, Windmill knight, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar Module, Opal the...


Datum sesije: 12.11.2016. Laura, Andromeda i Galatea za pločom Prisutni: Pierre, Niall, Joe, Arky, Chu, Data, Possibility of Being, Prodigal Son, dugdeep, Windmill knight, A Jay, Itellsya, Fabric, Mr. Cyan, Scottie, Alana, Timótheos, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar...


Datum sesije: 15.10.2016. Laura, Andromeda i Galatea za pločom Pierre, Joe, Chu, Data, Scottie, Timótheos, Alana, Niall, Arky, Possibility of Being, Prodigal Son, Fabric, Gaby, Itellsya, Windmill knight, Odyssey, Nancy2feathers, Beau Pitanje (P): (L) Koji je datum?...